Though Indian Peaks is still operating with the original irrigation system, there are several tools, programs, and practices used to ensure water is being used as wisely and efficiently as possible. Our irrigation system is controlled by software called Cirrus by Rain Bird. This system grants individual head control on greens, and small blocks of 2-4 heads per station throughout the course. With this control, we can adjust the amount of water for specific areas as needed (temporarily or permanently), though it can become difficult when heads are grouped together with different irrigation needs. The next irrigation system will be entirely individual head controlled to gain more flexibility within the system. Irrigation is run nightly based off the course’s state of the art weather station’s Evapotranspiration (ET), so there is less guessing for run times and the water put out is equal to what was lost through evaporation and transpiration (the water absorbed and used by the plant).
Tools such as the Pogo Turf Pro help take a deeper look into the moisture and distribution of the irrigation system. By taking samples of the green moisture with the Pogo, specific dry spots are identified on the green showing where supplemental hand watering is needed. This saves water and improves turf health by avoiding excess water (which can lead to soft greens and disease) on the majority of the green and focusing the water where it is needed to prevent desiccation. The Pogo can also show irrigation issues before they’re visible. Unusual dry spots shown in Pogo’s Visual Insight cue us in on larger issues, so we know to check out heads in surrounding areas before the LDS (Localized Dry Spot) appears. Wetting agents are also used to help alleviate some of the surface tension in water allowing water to be more easily absorbed and evenly distributed making less water go further. As heads break on the course, they are replaced with newer and more efficient Toro heads that have a wide variety of nozzles, adjustable arc (the angle the water comes out of the head at), and adjustable stop points making sure that the water is going only where it is needed.
With a 30 year old system, there are new breaks and issues every day, so we are constantly out troubleshooting issues and supplementing water as needed to create the best playing surfaces possible.